Tuesday, September 9, 2014

How Young is too young? Dating

When I am at the mall I can't help but feel a bit too old! I see kids with iphones, ipads and worse of all boyfriends/girlfriends! So this gave me this idea for this post, is there a grey line between dating and age? I am single but elementary children are in long term relationship, I don't use a phone mainly because I have too much important shit going on in my life but those kids be texting up a hurricane!!

On my Facebook I see children that I babysat when I was a kid changing their relationship status more often than they change their clothes!

Their daily cycles be like:

6 Am

9 Am

12 Pm

3 Pm

When I was their age my Facebook status would have probably looked like this:

I would not have dared starting to date simply because my parents would have probably beat me or because my crushes never last on person for a long time!

I remember when I was at that stage in life my mindset was probably not at the stage where I could have made a decision and stick to it. My crush category was always under construction as they were always upgraded to a better newer version.

So is the new generation more mature than me? or have the definition of love been simplified to something physical? Something that they would never ever take serious? 

From my perspective, if you haven't hit puberty, gotten a job or even passed grade 9  or 10 then your tongue shouldn't be down some other person's throat. 

Whoever say age is just a number should be hanged or maybe fired from their job! Children shouldn't be dating and the parents who allow their 9 year old to go out on multiple dates should be.....sent to therapy. 

On a side note, the way I see it is if they start dating too young, then they will be tempted to have sex at an younger age and then the next thing that happens is society is run over with eenage pregnancy! I don't want that and neither does our society! The age that a person starts to date impacts everything and we need to remember that!

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