Thursday, October 9, 2014

Typical Break-up lines!!! What guys really mean + Comebacks!

I was half asleep when I heard someone say, "It's not you, it's me!" I jumped out of my bed and searching blindly (I wear glasses) for my notepad and my pencil. The first line that I wrote was, "Who the F**K are you?" This gave me the idea for this post, Let's call it:

Lines Dumb Guys Use to Break Up With Smart Girls!

Baby, It's not you, it's me!

Translation: It's you but I am too much of a dickhead to say you're the problem!

I mean, it's all sweet that he's trying to put all the blame on himself but let's get real, this line wrecks havoc in the girl's head! I believe that she has watched enough Hollywood movies to know that this line basically calls her the problem! So in the end, instead of being real and talking about what issues that you may of had with her, you leave her baffled, trying to figure out what she did wrong!

Ladies, if you get hit with this line, please don't beg, it makes you look pathetic, just continue with this line, "You're right, You're an insensitive piece of shit, who only look out for yourself, you......*list all the problems that you have had with him*

I think we have reached a period in this relationship where we need to take a break.

Translation: This relationship is going too fast, I don't want it to get serious, so let's take time off so I can go see if I still have "game" with my single friends!

If any guy you're dating, wants to take a break from you, then he does not deserve you! The way I see it, he wants to date other girls and he wants you there just in case it did not work out well! He should never want to be away from you!
I would just tell him, "If you want a break, I'll give you a break....when you're ready to come back I won't be here!" 
You need to protect your heart, if he is thinking of space then I doubt he is thinking about you!

I think we should see other people!

Translation: I've been seeing other people, I just want to give you the opportunity to catch up!

Ladies! Don't ever degrade yourself and agree to such a dumb plan! If he feeds you this bullshit, it's just a coverup to tell you he don't find you that interesting anymore!

My advice?? Spare the pain! Look into the future, two months later he's going to give you another dumb line! Break it off right then and don't leave him with the misconception that you agreed with his suggestion! I don't see a relationship becoming healthy by seeing other people!

I am not ready for a relationship!

Translation: I came in thinking that it would only be a friends with benefit type of thing, sorry!

Guys who say that are just p**ys, the only thing that they want is sex and would stay away from any type of commitments. I will tell you not to waste your time trying to convince him to change his mind, he already know what he wanted from the beginning and it wasn't a committed relationship. They expect that you beg for them to stay, what I will do is say fuck it and leave. It makes no sense begging for them to stay, they already made up their mind and its best that the relationship ends with your pride intact than your heart all over the place.  

The sex is great, but I just don't love you!

Translation: I am not emotionally involve with you anymore, but you are good at all the right position so I would be stupid if I don't at least stay fuck buddies with you. 

Guys expect girls to jump with glee when that offer comes up. I know I won't allow my emotions to be played around like that. If he wants a casual fling there are many options available: a prostitute, a blow-up doll, a strip club, his hands. You should never be listed as an option, its a very demeaning list. A good comeback line would be to tell him the sex was never good anyways, that would hurt! Normally I don't like to attack their sex skills but when they suggests something like that, two can play the same game. 

I have a side chick.

Translation: I want to upgrade her to my main bitch.

My facial expression would be exactly like the one in that picture. Like what the hell is wrong with you dude!! They expect you to get angry and leave, so that the breakup would be easier. Don't be that girl who tries to change his mind, there is nothing to change. A cheater will always be a cheater. I don't have any lines to respond to that, if it was me, I would just leave! No comment, No anger, No regrets!

Can we be friends? 

Translation: I love you but I am not "in love" with you.

This is the best I have heard in all my life. Guys thinks that being friends will erase everything that have been done between two people in a relationship. No, I don't want to be friends! I don't sleep with all my friends. Having sex changes a relationship and it would get complicated if I stayed friends with all my ex's. Like what would happen when they start seeing other people? It is bound to get awkward! Been there, done that, if you want to break it off, I rather you tell me that we should split than suggest a downgrade to the "friends" level. It is like friendzoning only while in a relationship (what's the point?).

I am not suggesting that breakups are easy to do, its always hard breaking up with someone, whether you are instigating it or witnessing a breakup. The best thing to do is evaluate the situation and never, ever put yourself in the position where you beg for him\her to stay. Love yourself, be yourself and in the end, you will get over the initial hurt because you realized that he/she was not "the one" and Mrs. or Mr. Right is waiting for you, SOMEWHERE!

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