Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Places Not to go on first dates!!

I know it may be hard to comprehend but there are places that you can go that might determine whether your date will be successful or unsuccessful! This post is dedicated to places NOT to bring your future boyfriend/girlfriend on first dates!!


Number 1: Dumpster Diving 

Some of you may think this is bizarre and there can not possibly be people thinking about actually doing that! I am here to tell you that there are some weird *coughs* people in this world that are so frugal they are willing to get food from dumpsters because it is cheaper! 
This is not romantic! It is disgusting and I don't think that going in the middle of the night, eating god-knows-what is something that should be done on first date! 
Do me a favor and cross that off your list!

Number 2: Fast food restaurants

I was having lunch with a friend a couple days ago and I saw this young couple come into the restaurant, at first I was like "OMG they are adorable!" Then I saw what they ordered and I was like, "No way in hell is he going to bring me out on a date in places like this!" The couple ordered the deal of the day which was like a mini burger, small fries and a drink (approximately $6). Now if they ordered two of this I would been half happy but the two kids ordered one and shared it, they came in when I finished my fries and left when I was almost done my burger (I am no slow eater)! HELL NO!! Going to a fast food place is ok but only if there was like a combination!
If you too broke to buy me a proper dinner, then darling you too broke to be at my level!

Number 3: His house

Going to his house may be a great "romantic" idea but let's get some facts out: 1-You don't know him 2- It's not a public place with other people out and 3- guys get "ideas" in their heads! All are recipe for disaster! 
If he lives at home with his parents then he has to introduce you to his family, I think its a bit too soon for that, don't you?
His house, his rules, his territory! At least in a public place you have an escape plan and all that!

Number 4: Movies

Yes, I know this is where everybody goes on a first date but I really don't think that it is a suitable place for dates. 
I don't know about you ladies but when I am watching a movie I don't want any one bothering me (especially if Channing Tatum, Brad Pitt or Hugh Jackman is in it)! The whole point of dates is to get to know each other, movies are more of a me time type of thing than we time!
Also, a dark room? Guess who's going to get touchy touchy? First dates is not suppose to go there so soon! Your date deserves your undivided attention, in movies all my attention is on the screen, my drink and my popcorn! If you dare try to come between that, you're getting knocked out! #TrueStory

Number 5: Strip Clubs/Bars/Parties

Need I say anything here?? 
Strip clubs is where pathetic single ladies and lusty men go to ogle people! A date there? Maybe not, after all you're going to be compared to all those half naked women doing stuff that you never thought was possible!
Bars is where you go to meet people, why go there if you already have someone? #Logic
Parties is where you see couples dancing their lives away so why put yourself in such an uncomfortable situation?

Number 6: Hotel/Cabins/Motels

Never ever think about going to a place that is for rendezvous....well unless you want a one night stand!
I really don't think you should give the dude something to look forward to that not's going to happen, remember unmet expectation leads to anger that leads to.... well, I am sure you know what! 
Hotel (unless it is a restaurant) is a no fly zone for me, I want a relationship not a booty call! 

Number 7: His car
I really could not find the right phrase for this but what I meant was that you should not just jump into someone's car that you don't know heading off to God knows where unless you want to be killed, raped, kidnapped or you're a sex worker! 
I doubt you may want that! So always know where you are heading since you may never know where you may end up! Remember, Ted Bundy, who was convicted of 30 murders, was often described as attractive, charismatic and articulate. Look at his pictures here.

Number 8: The Mall

We all know the saying that men hates shopping, so I really don't think taking (or forcing) him to go to the mall on a first date is a good idea! Not everyone is into fashion, if he really is, sorry to break it to you but you're probably a backup plan or a coverup!
Also, going to the mall would probably give him an anxiety attack since it would be a flashforward to what the relationship will be like! This is a great way to not go on a second date!

Number 9: Sporting Events

Its a sweet thought to have, going to a game where you are cheering for the same side and making memories! That would be great but let's face it, this world is not perfect and such scenes are only available in Hollywood movies!
Sporting events brings out the worse in everybody, they become competitive and aggressive! I don't know about you guys but if I am backing a team and they're losing I feel like punching whoever backs the winning team (imagine if that's my date)!
Plus, guys normally goes crazy for sports, try getting his attention off the game!!

Number 10: Religious Event

It's just awkward!!
Don't think because you like this religion the other person would like it too! Hello! It's the 21st century not the 1st century, you don't need to introduce your potential partner to Jesus to get his approval before taking it further!
If you're religious, church can be saved for a later (much later) date! 

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