Thursday, July 10, 2014

Things to do to prepare yourself for a date!!

I was lost with what my next post was going to be about but my friend (Christina) suggest that I should write something about how to prepare yourself for a date! 

The following guidelines is what I would do before going on a date!


No one wants to go out with someone that looks dirty! So the first thing that you should always do before heading to that date is to make sure that you are proper!
Taking a nice warm bath will totally loosen you up, it will make you feel less tense (in case you are nervous) in addition to making your skin glow and making you smell awesome!
Brush your teeth! Trust me, your date will not want to see what you ate for lunch when he leans in to give you the "hello" kiss! 
Shave! Ladies, please make everything less hairy, remember you are trying to get a boyfriend not bigfoot! They may have the same acronyms but they are completely different from each other (*HINT*: one is human!)
Deodorant! Chances are you're going to be sweating up a storm so if you don't want to turn your date off you should make sure that your deodorant works properly and doesn't leave you smelly! 


Even if you don't like wearing any makeup, I will advise you to at least add something to your face! Never ever go out to a date like if you are lounging around in your living room! 
There are makeup that can give you the nude look that you may like while pumping up your best features! Add some lipstick/gloss, eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow (if you're feeling risky) and face powder!
What I don't ever want you to do is to leave your house looking like a freaking clown or rainbow, if he wanted a freakshow he would have probably asked Lady Gaga or Nicki Minaj lookalikes out to dinner!
Your makeup should leave him asking, "OMG is she wearing any?" not "OMG she is wearing loads!" 
        Never Leave Your House like this!                                                 Go for this look!


Ladies! The clothing you wear to go on a first date will totally mean a lot in the long run! 
First of all, wear something that you are comfortable in, now don't go running to your closet and pulling off your best PJ's to wear! When I say comfortable I mean something that makes you look absolutely gorgeous and you have no problem wearing it!
Say you are a jeans kinda girl, don't ever think about wearing a very short dress knowing that you will be pulling it down every couple seconds and asking yourself if you look ok! That does not make you look confident just insecure and would probably make you more nervous!
Second! Figure out where the date is going to be and dress to fit! You don't want to be heading off to the movies wearing a semi-formal dress, you'll look overdressed and probably snobby! If you're going to an ice cream parlour, movies, mall, his house you'll want to wear something casual and if you're going to a dinner where you have to make reservation I think your little black dress will be perfect! 
On a side note, don't ever misrepresent yourself, be you! You should never try to become someone that you think he is attracted to, he should ask you out on another date because he likes you! Remember, life is not Hollywood, you can't adopt or drop an image of yourself like many celebrities do when acting in movies!

Backup Plans
You need to create back up plans in case something goes wrong on the date! It gives you time to evaluate the situation and lowers the chance of you doing something rash!
I always tells myself that I need to prepare myself because something will always go wrong! Here's a few of mine: 
-If I don't like him then I will either create some sort of emergency like my dog ran away (I don't have a dog) or my friend needs my help to do something that she can't do by herself! As a rule I don't lie on anyone's health!
-If I find the date is going to far too fast then I will use the popular excuse and say I have to go use the ladies room! Some guys are far too touchy for me!!
-If there is awkward silence, as a rule I start talking about the weather, childhood memories, favourite things to do, movies, celebrities etc... just don't let it have any silence (but don't come off like a chatterbox either). As my friend Christina told me, "No one wants to be on a date with awkward silence, no conversation, the date won't go smooth!"
NOTE: If you are depending on your date to take you to wherever the date is, always ensure that you have back up cash, after all you may need to take a cab home or you may need to pay for your own food!!

Dollar Store!
This is a bit unconventional but before going out I always head to a dollar store to grab some items that I may need in small quantities that I won't necessarily use again! All ladies need to carry a medium size purse on a date; small purses is for nightclubs, bars or parties, larger purses means that you intend to spend the night whereas medium purses just say none of your business, I'll do whatever I want!!
Okay so when I go to the dollar store I buy tissues (small packet ones), packet of gum (to get the food out of teeth), a cosmetic purse (to put my sanitary napkins just in case mother nature fucks me over) and hand sanitizer (they dry your hands out so it won't be sweaty and icky if your date tries to hold hands)!

Pep Talk!!
You need to talk to yourself! Don't ever say "Oh I'll just go with the flow!" because you might just end up in his bed followed by the hospital bed nine months later! You need to set your limits and tell yourself that you will stick to it! 
Also, Pep talks will erase any of your nervousness and leave you feeling enthusiastic, motivated and with the determination to make the date a success!

It is never silly to seek advice from people that you know will give you the real shit without being fake about it! Always tell someone the location that you are going and with who, regardless of how grown up you may think you are, there are some weird motherf**kers out there! Always ensure that you have a way of communicating with your parents and/or friends since when you take that bathroom break you may want advice on what to do next!

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