Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Signs you are dating a Frog not a Prince!

People if your boyfriend / girlfriend is a frog, stop kidding yourself, you'll probably have to wait until hell freezes over for him/her to turn into a prince or a Princess.

The following is some qualities to ensure that you don't get stuck in a FROGGY situation:

Warning: I don't guarantee any results as my prescription may allow you to escape from an unhappy relationship however, one of the side effects may leave you lonely, desperate and single. Viewers read and follow at your own risk!  

Number 1: Eyes on other women

This can typically be seen on the first date. I mean if his/her eyes is not on you the first time you officially go out then that means that you have little interest to them and later on in the relationship that interest would decrease even further. Ladies, do not slutify (my new word) yourself and Men, do not pretend to be something that you are not to keep their attention. 
If their eyes are on other women, they are frogs that won't ever be turned into a Prince. If you ignore this sign they will become slippery little creatures, that will eventually cheat on you and have side bitches!

Number 2: Being Pressured

This may be hard to figure out but I got ya!
Any time words such as "If you love me then you will sleep with me" comes out of his/her beautiful mouth then it's not  a relationship. You should not have to prove your love to each other, your partner should be willing to wait until you are ready. This typically happens to females (sorry guys), if that happens to you I want you to look into his eyes and say, "If you love me, prove it by not asking me to fuck you." Ladies, don't be pressured to have sex, you should only do it when you are ready and not to save a relationship. 
Keep in mind: When I talk about being pressured to do something, sex is not the only thing it applies to. Drugs, alcohol, parties, sexting and oral sex. I am sure that you would be able to come up with lots more, the main thing is that you should not be pressured!

Number 3: Targeting your body size

No one should be told they are too fat or too thin. If your partner picks on how you look then that is not the right relationship to have. You should never be told to lose weight, do any plastic surgery or butt lift or boob jobs! They should love you for who you are not for you changing yourself to become the anorexic or fake ass people that is idolized in the media.  Men, women should never tell you to get some muscles or lose some belly fat, you are you and if they can't face the fact that you won't be a Channing Tatum or Brad Pitt lookalike, they don't deserve you!

Number 4: Abuse

Newsflash! Abuse can happen to men too!! 
Regardless of your sex in a relationship you should never allow yourself to be abused. There are many types;
Sexually- no means no!
Verbally- Yelling, swearing
Emotionally- insults, public embarrassment
Mentally- lying, manipulating and controlling you
Physically- beating, laying their hands on you
If this ever happens don't ever believe that they will turn into something better!

Number 5: Cheaters!! 

The first sign that will tell you that your Prince type of story is not going to happen when you're in a relationship is if your partner is cheating!
Darling, you got yourself a frog if he/she avoids your question, smells like another woman/man, gets all defensive when asked a simple question and most of all hides their phone and passwords from you. 
Never ever fool yourself by saying it only happen once and he/she won't do it again, honey sorry to tell you but once a Cheater, always a cheater! 
So do me a favour, protect your heart, protect your health because when they break away from you, you may never know what "gifts" they may bring back. 

Number 6: Best friends not Slaves

This applies to people that are married, living together and thinking about moving in with each other.
It's suppose to be an equal relationship, sharing everything with each other. That means you should not be doing everything like a freaking slave while he/she sits their ass down watching some dumb show on the television. 
Don't ever put yourself in the position where you have to clean up after your partner. Frogs keep their flies to themselves whereas Princes' and Princess' learn to share!

Number 7: Independent

Nothing is more annoying than being in a relationship where your partner is dependent on you to do their shit!
Frogs wait for things to come to them whereas royalty gets up and get things done. 
Don't ever mix up laziness with love, you should have someone that is able to support themselves when you are not around and create fireworks when you guys come together! 
I am not saying that dependence is a bad thing, its actually a sweet thought to have but there is a fine line. Becoming clingy makes you or your partner look desperate and a desperate boyfriend/girlfriend is annoying! 

Number 8: Employed or Not Employed, that is the question!

Let's get this straight, it is okay to get fired once in a while but to be repeatedly fired every few weeks is not a good recipe for a relationship. 
No one wants a broke boyfriend/girlfriend, well lets put it this way, no one wants a broke partner that is unemployed! If they're not able to hold a job down then it shows that they lack the stability that one needs in life.
A job is important and if you can't have one because you keep fucking it up then you won't be able to use me to buy whatever you want. 
Remember it all comes back to independence, having a job prevents you from becoming dependent and closes off all possibilities of being abused!

Number 9: Dress Code

I don't want to come off as a superficial bitch but we all judge people based on the clothing they wear. 
From my point of view, I can decide whether my partner will be a Prince or a frog based on how they dress. If they are dirty, untidy, mismatched and have a stench about them then chances are I won't be getting my Prince. I don't want them to be super neat but I don't want them to be going around like a homeless drug addict either. 
I want you to pick the type of person that you want, not the type you think you want or your parents want but the type YOU want! This is a tricky situation since if you pick someone that you really don't want (sloppy or slutty dresser) then you will try to change them into someone who they will never be (neat or modest dresser) which leads them into becoming a frog (in your opinion).

Number 10: Interaction with others

So it all comes down to this, you want to know whether he/she is a Prince or a frog? Just watch how they interact with others! 
Is he/she rude or patient? Sincere or fake? Generous or stingy? Violent or Calm? 
A Prince/Princess won't wait to introduce you to their close friends and family, they won't try to hide you away as if they were ashamed of you and most of all their interaction with unfortunate people will leave you in tears.

Now before you go storming away yelling BULLSHIT, I want you to think about your ex-boyfriends, what qualities did they have that turned you off? Now I want you to think about your future boyfriends, what attitude do you want them to have?
Remember a Prince will always be a gentleman and a Princess will always be a lady but that does not mean that they will be a cold, calculating and unexciting! 
Frogs may never turn into Princes' or Princess' but then again, there is a 50-50 chance on everything in life, you may be successful or you may not be successful!  

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