Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How to friend-ZONE a guy!

I know this is a weird topic to talk about but let's do it! Let us talk about the f word! If you're thinking about the "other" f word then darling, YOU NEED HELP! I am talking about the friend zone epidemic that is spreading through this nation. If you don't know what friend zone is, here is the ghetto definition: its when someone wants to date/have sex with a person but the person don't find them sexually attractive and only wants to be a friend to that person

Now that you know let's learn how to effectively put a guy into that zone! Men friend zone girls too but I find it typically happens to men, maybe they're too pigheaded to get the message that the girl don't like them. In other words, friend zone is just another way to say "sorry, I wouldn't sleep with you even if you were the last remaining human being in the world!" 

Step one: Think about it

You have to think about whether you would like to date that person before deciding that they're friend zone material. You should think about the pro's and con's of being in any kind of relationship with him. What would be the pleasures! You shouldn't date him when you know that you're not sexually attractive to him neither should you date him out of pity! That's just not going to end well. If you see him as just a friend then there's no way in hell that's going to change. I am not saying that its impossible for a friend to become a boyfriend its just that it's not conceivable. If you couldn't see a future with that guy then there won't be future. If there are more pro's than con's then you shouldn't be reading this article but if its the other way around then you're in the right place. This process would take some time so there is no time limit on friend zoning a guy but I think the moment that you realized you can't ever date him you should get started immediately otherwise you'll get stuck in an icky situation.

Step two: Recognize the signs then put a plug in it!

No! This is one problem that duct tape can not fix so don't go taping him to the wall until he promises not to hit on you. The term "putting a plug in it" is not in any way related to any sort of violence. 

Its not really hard to know when a guy is thinking about asking you out, he kind of hints at it. Asks where would you like to go out, when are you free, we should grab something to eat sometimes etc... I call it the stalker level, he wants to know your schedule, know what you're doing, he's trying to get you to promise something then he is going to turn that into a date. You need to stop that immediately! I would advise you to avoid going anywhere alone with him, you may not have intended it to be, but when two people go somewhere by themselves its going to click in his head that it's a "date". When not if, he asks these questions it is very important to respond in a noncommittal type of way, say something like, "I don't know" or "I would love to but my schedule is not flexible" things like that should tell him that you are not really interested. 

Step three: DO NOT LEAD HIM ON!

I capitalize that for a reason, sometimes the comments that you make wasn't meant to be taken that way but boys will be boys, so they took it that way. I am a person that flirts on a regular basis, it is pretty much embedded in my speech, sometimes I didn't mean to say it that way but I did. I try not to give him expectations that would never be met. Never answer any questions with a "maybe" since it is open to interpretation, it won't be taken as "maybe not" but most likely as a challenge. I would never allow myself to go out alone with him because as my previous section stated, it is a sign that there is more to come. 

NEVER FLIRT!!!!! Some may not know how to differentiate between normal conversation and flirting here is my definition of what is flirting.

    • Smiling a lot at him (a genuine-its-so-great-to-see-you smile can be taken the wrong way)
    • Touching him (a hug, a comforting pat on shoulders can always be misinterpreted)
    • Teasing him (talking to him about what you're wearing, your scandalous undies)
    • Bringing sex into the conversation means you are thinking about sex with him
These are pretty much the basics however, not flirting doesn't mean acting like the Grinch around him, just don't give him hopes only to destroy it later. **Hint** do not follow the above checklist if you're trying to get a guy to like you or if you're a guy and girl does that, it doesn't necessarily means she wants the D.

Step four: Go hardcore

Sometimes it is hard to get the message across. One way to do it subtle is to insert the one "friend" into every single sentence your conversation multiple times but don't over do it. For example, saying phrases like "You're such a good friend", "You're the best friend ever" or "Being friends with you just makes my day". 

Never use this phrase though "You're a great friend, why are you single?" His answer would most likely be "I never met the right girl" or "Do you want to volunteer for that position?" Then it is going to get extremely awkward. Going hardcore is just the stage where you want to say the word "friend" so that he can get the message that the farthest this interaction is going to go is being friends. It has also been brought to my attention that "brother" can signal a friendship so maybe you can use it when introducing him to people. One way to term it correctly is "This is *blah blah blah*, he is such a good friend to me he is like my brother. No one wants to date their brother, it would be taboo. 

Step Five: The Fri-END ZONE

I have always wonder why the END at the back of friend stands for. I finally understand  the reason. This stage should be the final stage but you can always mix up the steps meaning you can go from step one, step three and back to step one. It is not mandatory to follow it step by step. 

At this stage its time for the talk, its going to get nasty, its going to get awkward but most importantly, its going to get the message across. Its time to tell him that you have do not have any feelings towards him other than as a friend. The previous stages should have prepared him for what was coming, but guys tends to disregard certain hints so you may have to spell it out for him. Go slowly, never raise your voice and the goal is to come out as friends not enemies. Be careful though, he may get a bit upset as you are basically cockblocking him but try to make him understand that the end results would be worth it. He may suggest he can prove that a relationship was meant to be, don't destroy his hope (there is a possibility that you may date him in the future) but never accept his challenge. If these steps did not work, keep trying them, make sure he understands that you and him will never be K-I-S-S-I-N-G in a tree.

Disclaimer: I have reached a new level in my life where I personally don't believe in friend-zoning guys. I can write a new post on tips to get the message across without hurting his feelings.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Typical Break-up lines!!! What guys really mean + Comebacks!

I was half asleep when I heard someone say, "It's not you, it's me!" I jumped out of my bed and searching blindly (I wear glasses) for my notepad and my pencil. The first line that I wrote was, "Who the F**K are you?" This gave me the idea for this post, Let's call it:

Lines Dumb Guys Use to Break Up With Smart Girls!

Baby, It's not you, it's me!

Translation: It's you but I am too much of a dickhead to say you're the problem!

I mean, it's all sweet that he's trying to put all the blame on himself but let's get real, this line wrecks havoc in the girl's head! I believe that she has watched enough Hollywood movies to know that this line basically calls her the problem! So in the end, instead of being real and talking about what issues that you may of had with her, you leave her baffled, trying to figure out what she did wrong!

Ladies, if you get hit with this line, please don't beg, it makes you look pathetic, just continue with this line, "You're right, You're an insensitive piece of shit, who only look out for yourself, you......*list all the problems that you have had with him*

I think we have reached a period in this relationship where we need to take a break.

Translation: This relationship is going too fast, I don't want it to get serious, so let's take time off so I can go see if I still have "game" with my single friends!

If any guy you're dating, wants to take a break from you, then he does not deserve you! The way I see it, he wants to date other girls and he wants you there just in case it did not work out well! He should never want to be away from you!
I would just tell him, "If you want a break, I'll give you a break....when you're ready to come back I won't be here!" 
You need to protect your heart, if he is thinking of space then I doubt he is thinking about you!

I think we should see other people!

Translation: I've been seeing other people, I just want to give you the opportunity to catch up!

Ladies! Don't ever degrade yourself and agree to such a dumb plan! If he feeds you this bullshit, it's just a coverup to tell you he don't find you that interesting anymore!

My advice?? Spare the pain! Look into the future, two months later he's going to give you another dumb line! Break it off right then and don't leave him with the misconception that you agreed with his suggestion! I don't see a relationship becoming healthy by seeing other people!

I am not ready for a relationship!

Translation: I came in thinking that it would only be a friends with benefit type of thing, sorry!

Guys who say that are just p**ys, the only thing that they want is sex and would stay away from any type of commitments. I will tell you not to waste your time trying to convince him to change his mind, he already know what he wanted from the beginning and it wasn't a committed relationship. They expect that you beg for them to stay, what I will do is say fuck it and leave. It makes no sense begging for them to stay, they already made up their mind and its best that the relationship ends with your pride intact than your heart all over the place.  

The sex is great, but I just don't love you!

Translation: I am not emotionally involve with you anymore, but you are good at all the right position so I would be stupid if I don't at least stay fuck buddies with you. 

Guys expect girls to jump with glee when that offer comes up. I know I won't allow my emotions to be played around like that. If he wants a casual fling there are many options available: a prostitute, a blow-up doll, a strip club, his hands. You should never be listed as an option, its a very demeaning list. A good comeback line would be to tell him the sex was never good anyways, that would hurt! Normally I don't like to attack their sex skills but when they suggests something like that, two can play the same game. 

I have a side chick.

Translation: I want to upgrade her to my main bitch.

My facial expression would be exactly like the one in that picture. Like what the hell is wrong with you dude!! They expect you to get angry and leave, so that the breakup would be easier. Don't be that girl who tries to change his mind, there is nothing to change. A cheater will always be a cheater. I don't have any lines to respond to that, if it was me, I would just leave! No comment, No anger, No regrets!

Can we be friends? 

Translation: I love you but I am not "in love" with you.

This is the best I have heard in all my life. Guys thinks that being friends will erase everything that have been done between two people in a relationship. No, I don't want to be friends! I don't sleep with all my friends. Having sex changes a relationship and it would get complicated if I stayed friends with all my ex's. Like what would happen when they start seeing other people? It is bound to get awkward! Been there, done that, if you want to break it off, I rather you tell me that we should split than suggest a downgrade to the "friends" level. It is like friendzoning only while in a relationship (what's the point?).

I am not suggesting that breakups are easy to do, its always hard breaking up with someone, whether you are instigating it or witnessing a breakup. The best thing to do is evaluate the situation and never, ever put yourself in the position where you beg for him\her to stay. Love yourself, be yourself and in the end, you will get over the initial hurt because you realized that he/she was not "the one" and Mrs. or Mr. Right is waiting for you, SOMEWHERE!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

How Young is too young? Dating

When I am at the mall I can't help but feel a bit too old! I see kids with iphones, ipads and worse of all boyfriends/girlfriends! So this gave me this idea for this post, is there a grey line between dating and age? I am single but elementary children are in long term relationship, I don't use a phone mainly because I have too much important shit going on in my life but those kids be texting up a hurricane!!

On my Facebook I see children that I babysat when I was a kid changing their relationship status more often than they change their clothes!

Their daily cycles be like:

6 Am

9 Am

12 Pm

3 Pm

When I was their age my Facebook status would have probably looked like this:

I would not have dared starting to date simply because my parents would have probably beat me or because my crushes never last on person for a long time!

I remember when I was at that stage in life my mindset was probably not at the stage where I could have made a decision and stick to it. My crush category was always under construction as they were always upgraded to a better newer version.

So is the new generation more mature than me? or have the definition of love been simplified to something physical? Something that they would never ever take serious? 

From my perspective, if you haven't hit puberty, gotten a job or even passed grade 9  or 10 then your tongue shouldn't be down some other person's throat. 

Whoever say age is just a number should be hanged or maybe fired from their job! Children shouldn't be dating and the parents who allow their 9 year old to go out on multiple dates should be.....sent to therapy. 

On a side note, the way I see it is if they start dating too young, then they will be tempted to have sex at an younger age and then the next thing that happens is society is run over with eenage pregnancy! I don't want that and neither does our society! The age that a person starts to date impacts everything and we need to remember that!

Things I would never do for LOVE!!

I have neglected you guys for too long so now it's time to unleash another one of my master piece to this world. To my two loyal readers, I thank you for still being interested in this blog and I promise I will get you someone by giving you the best advice that I can.

Let's just say to all you who say they would do anything for love, I would like to tell you that's a lie. So stop the hypocrisy and let me show you the real world.

Number 1: Conversion

I would never ever convert to another religion or culture in the name of love. I see a lot of women trying to keep their "love" from leaving by switching over to another culture and what I will say to any woman who asked me for advice is to not be a dumb bitch. If the person truly loves you then they would never ever want to change you. If they want to then they really don't love you but they love the image that they have in their heads of you. Women or men should be loved for who they are, your culture does not essentially defines you. On a side note, love goes hand in hand with respect and if I was to date someone from another culture I will like them to respect my culture just as I would respect his culture!
A relationship should be giving and taking equally, I would like to provide my partner with a new experience from my culture and will always be willing to take anything from his culture! Here is a story about a relationship that never went through any conversion: a couple years one of my best friend's sister fell in love with this guy, he was Hindu and she was Catholic.....I know what you're thinking but fast track to the present time and they have two beautiful children. They did not CHOOSE what religion to grow their children in and because of that both kids are well versed in both religion and culture. They celebrates all the holidays that can be found in the two diverse cultures (more presents, hell yeah). The only roadblock that came their way was the in-laws, it was pretty gruesome but eventually the two families realize that both cultures would be shared and experienced equally, so they shut the fuck up. Now the moral of this story is that conversion isn't worth it in the end, they liked you for who you are not for who they want you to become (hopefully).

Number 2: Fuck Sharing!

Hold up! It was really hard finding the perfect word to encompass the entire genre that I'm about to unload on you. First thing I would never ever share my potential lover/husband/boyfriend with any other girls. The fucked up show that I see on TLC called "My Five Wives" or some shit like that won't ever work out fine for me. My man would be mine alone and no other bitches would ever get a piece of him, if he ever suggests such horrendous idea then I should realize that he was never mine to begin with. Love is between two people but fuck love if it means I have to stay there as some well trained poodle while he sleeps with other women who calls themselves the sister wives (how ironic)! Also, I will never allow myself to be shared! "If you love me then you will fulfill my fantasy by partaking in a threesome" is a no no hunny! I won't let myself be vindicated and my feminity be objectified because you have this dream in your head. If he wants to share a female he can get a dog and let it breed all over the place.

Number 3: Ditch my Bitches

I see a lot of girls when a guy sniffs they forget the people that was there for them. I absolutely hate that, why would you make a decison to cut off someone you may have known for years for someone you just met? That is not right and it would never be right! I would never ever leave my friends behind because I am in love with a guy. Friends, especially long term ones, are there to support you, advice you and most of all, call you up on your mistakes. Boyfriends may only tell you want you want to hear not the blunt truth (especially in the early part of the relationship). If a guy asks me to do that, I will quicker say "bye" to him than to my friends. If he don't like them or vice versa then it becomes a bit tricky; I would have suggest avoiding any contact between the two groups but that's the same as ditching them. My best solution is to either trust your friends advice because maybe they think he may turn into a frog with time or you could just tell both people involved to just shut up and put up with each other. You should be warned that there will be tense moments and even violent agruments between the two. Never ditch your bitch because your boy wants you to, he is either jealous of the close relationship (jealousy is never a good sign) or he just want to isolate you and then you'll become dependent on him.  Also, look long term, imagine if you guys breakup, who would you have? NO ONE! Then you will have to go back to your friends and beg for their forgiveness. If I was ditched by one of my friends for a boy, I will never take her back! JUST SAYING! Use your head in this situation, not your heart......or....the other body parts either!

Number 4: Making his problems, my problem!

Yes, Yes, Yes....I know sharing is caring blah blah blah but whoever said that is probably dead, which means that they were old which means that it doesn't apply in this modern world. I would never take his problem and make it my own nor would I expect him to take my problems. He should deal with his own issues for himself because he knows how to deal with. Nothing annoys me the most than hearing a boy talking about how their Ex won't leave them alone in the type of tone that hints that I should deal with her. I get mad at girls that want to fight with their boyfriend's Ex so that they can finally "claim" him as their own. Girls that do that is basic bitches and probably won't last long in the relationship. I am not saying that I won't be open to listen to his problems and lend a helping hand if he asks for it. I draw the line when he take a step back and pushes me to the frontline to deal with it. That won't happen, never would I ever do that for love. If you do that, then you have your problems plus his problems and that will only lead to you feeling depressed and stressed.

Number 5: Change

The only thing that will ever change when I am in a relationship is my facebook status from "single" to "in a relationship". No one is ever going to get me to change myself because I "love" them. Even they are thinking about it they would hit the curb even before they suggest it to me. I see girls changing how they do everything because their boyfriend asks them to do. That's dumb! You should be loved for you are not for who they want you to become (that sounds familiar). You lose your identity when you change yourself, this will only lead you to feeling unhappy which will eventually lead to the downfall in the relationship. Trust no guy who wants to change your habits, clothing or even your hair color. 

Ladies....or men.....there are moments in your relationship where you need to flip the off switch on your heart. For something that is essential for a person to live, it sure fucks up and hurt you the most. You need to know your limits and keep it in your head and don't ever let your heart change your mind. There are many more things that could have been included in this list so if there is any that you think should be included, comment below!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

I Found Him! (Update: False Alarm!)

Yesterday on my way back from Toronto, I think I saw Mr. Right. He was good looking (of course), physically fit (he had a GoodLife Fitness bag) and we had a bit of connection (I hope)! Not only did I catch his eyes a couple of times but I also got rammed in my behind a couple of times! No, not what you're thinking (GROSS!), rammed as in his bag kept "accidentally" hitting my butt. Since we are Canadians we kept saying sorry to each other a lot! Now, what kept me from pursuing (God, that makes me sound like a psycho bitch) him?

My Mom!
How awkward would flirting be in front of your Mother! Plus, he sat right next to her throughout the entire trip. What is he going to do? Ask my mom for my name and number? Plus, my mom would probably embarrass me by pulling out my less than favorable pictures! And on my way out the bus I could not turn around and whisper hi, I would have had a whole line up of people behind me!

My instincts! 
In his hands he had one of those cute five minute oven, it was pink! I came to two solutions: 1) He had a kid therefore way out of my league or 2) He already had a gf and he was bringing her that cute little oven that I wanted for myself. Anyways, although he looked way too young to be a father, way too old to be playing kitchen and way too hot to be in a relationship, I kept my distance. Nothing is worse than throwing yourself at a guy that's in a relationship!

Yeah that was pretty much what kept me away but in my head I still see:

A perfect home with a perfect family in a perfect environment!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Q&A with me!!!

I got messages from some people asking me questions, this is my shot at answering them! Remember, I may not be completely right but I think I may be close enough!

Are you in a relationship?

I am not in a relationship but thanks for bringing that fact up! Why? I would absolutely love to say that boys on this side of the world are JERKS however, this is far from the truth! The truth is I am one of those judgmental bitch who would dump someone if they did not bring me the right type of chocolate. I have high standards, let's just say no one has yet to meet them (except my celebrity crushes).

What's the worse part of dating?

Completely disregard the picture, dating is not that bad.....right? 
First dates are terrifying and nerve racking to everyone...even if you're the most seasoned dater! I would rank this as the ultimate worse but then again I will also put first fights and breakups there as well.

How do I tell if I am in a bad relationship?

If you have to ask yourself this question, then I'm guessing you're not! You shouldn't have to question whether the relationship is bad or good, all relationships should give you the feeling of protection, love and trust. You should never be harmed, lied to, cheated on, etc.. 
Trust me!

I just broke up with my boyfriend (again) should I get back with him?

It's kind of hard to answer this question. I don't know you or your history with the dude. I think you should just go with your instincts, if you feel that the relationship won't go anywhere then why waste your time? Just look at the pro's and con's of the relationship, is there more negativity than positive? 
I won't push my opinions on you but from my perspective you already gave him a chance and if it was you who initiated both breakups, I don't see a future.

Any pet peeves about the single life?

I hope by this gif you may realize that I have LOADS of them! They're so much I think I may just write a complete post about it! Thanks for the idea though!

I'll answer all questions regardless of how ridiculous it may be! Send it at 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Places Not to go on first dates!!

I know it may be hard to comprehend but there are places that you can go that might determine whether your date will be successful or unsuccessful! This post is dedicated to places NOT to bring your future boyfriend/girlfriend on first dates!!


Number 1: Dumpster Diving 

Some of you may think this is bizarre and there can not possibly be people thinking about actually doing that! I am here to tell you that there are some weird *coughs* people in this world that are so frugal they are willing to get food from dumpsters because it is cheaper! 
This is not romantic! It is disgusting and I don't think that going in the middle of the night, eating god-knows-what is something that should be done on first date! 
Do me a favor and cross that off your list!

Number 2: Fast food restaurants

I was having lunch with a friend a couple days ago and I saw this young couple come into the restaurant, at first I was like "OMG they are adorable!" Then I saw what they ordered and I was like, "No way in hell is he going to bring me out on a date in places like this!" The couple ordered the deal of the day which was like a mini burger, small fries and a drink (approximately $6). Now if they ordered two of this I would been half happy but the two kids ordered one and shared it, they came in when I finished my fries and left when I was almost done my burger (I am no slow eater)! HELL NO!! Going to a fast food place is ok but only if there was like a combination!
If you too broke to buy me a proper dinner, then darling you too broke to be at my level!

Number 3: His house

Going to his house may be a great "romantic" idea but let's get some facts out: 1-You don't know him 2- It's not a public place with other people out and 3- guys get "ideas" in their heads! All are recipe for disaster! 
If he lives at home with his parents then he has to introduce you to his family, I think its a bit too soon for that, don't you?
His house, his rules, his territory! At least in a public place you have an escape plan and all that!

Number 4: Movies

Yes, I know this is where everybody goes on a first date but I really don't think that it is a suitable place for dates. 
I don't know about you ladies but when I am watching a movie I don't want any one bothering me (especially if Channing Tatum, Brad Pitt or Hugh Jackman is in it)! The whole point of dates is to get to know each other, movies are more of a me time type of thing than we time!
Also, a dark room? Guess who's going to get touchy touchy? First dates is not suppose to go there so soon! Your date deserves your undivided attention, in movies all my attention is on the screen, my drink and my popcorn! If you dare try to come between that, you're getting knocked out! #TrueStory

Number 5: Strip Clubs/Bars/Parties

Need I say anything here?? 
Strip clubs is where pathetic single ladies and lusty men go to ogle people! A date there? Maybe not, after all you're going to be compared to all those half naked women doing stuff that you never thought was possible!
Bars is where you go to meet people, why go there if you already have someone? #Logic
Parties is where you see couples dancing their lives away so why put yourself in such an uncomfortable situation?

Number 6: Hotel/Cabins/Motels

Never ever think about going to a place that is for rendezvous....well unless you want a one night stand!
I really don't think you should give the dude something to look forward to that not's going to happen, remember unmet expectation leads to anger that leads to.... well, I am sure you know what! 
Hotel (unless it is a restaurant) is a no fly zone for me, I want a relationship not a booty call! 

Number 7: His car
I really could not find the right phrase for this but what I meant was that you should not just jump into someone's car that you don't know heading off to God knows where unless you want to be killed, raped, kidnapped or you're a sex worker! 
I doubt you may want that! So always know where you are heading since you may never know where you may end up! Remember, Ted Bundy, who was convicted of 30 murders, was often described as attractive, charismatic and articulate. Look at his pictures here.

Number 8: The Mall

We all know the saying that men hates shopping, so I really don't think taking (or forcing) him to go to the mall on a first date is a good idea! Not everyone is into fashion, if he really is, sorry to break it to you but you're probably a backup plan or a coverup!
Also, going to the mall would probably give him an anxiety attack since it would be a flashforward to what the relationship will be like! This is a great way to not go on a second date!

Number 9: Sporting Events

Its a sweet thought to have, going to a game where you are cheering for the same side and making memories! That would be great but let's face it, this world is not perfect and such scenes are only available in Hollywood movies!
Sporting events brings out the worse in everybody, they become competitive and aggressive! I don't know about you guys but if I am backing a team and they're losing I feel like punching whoever backs the winning team (imagine if that's my date)!
Plus, guys normally goes crazy for sports, try getting his attention off the game!!

Number 10: Religious Event

It's just awkward!!
Don't think because you like this religion the other person would like it too! Hello! It's the 21st century not the 1st century, you don't need to introduce your potential partner to Jesus to get his approval before taking it further!
If you're religious, church can be saved for a later (much later) date! 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Things to do to prepare yourself for a date!!

I was lost with what my next post was going to be about but my friend (Christina) suggest that I should write something about how to prepare yourself for a date! 

The following guidelines is what I would do before going on a date!


No one wants to go out with someone that looks dirty! So the first thing that you should always do before heading to that date is to make sure that you are proper!
Taking a nice warm bath will totally loosen you up, it will make you feel less tense (in case you are nervous) in addition to making your skin glow and making you smell awesome!
Brush your teeth! Trust me, your date will not want to see what you ate for lunch when he leans in to give you the "hello" kiss! 
Shave! Ladies, please make everything less hairy, remember you are trying to get a boyfriend not bigfoot! They may have the same acronyms but they are completely different from each other (*HINT*: one is human!)
Deodorant! Chances are you're going to be sweating up a storm so if you don't want to turn your date off you should make sure that your deodorant works properly and doesn't leave you smelly! 


Even if you don't like wearing any makeup, I will advise you to at least add something to your face! Never ever go out to a date like if you are lounging around in your living room! 
There are makeup that can give you the nude look that you may like while pumping up your best features! Add some lipstick/gloss, eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow (if you're feeling risky) and face powder!
What I don't ever want you to do is to leave your house looking like a freaking clown or rainbow, if he wanted a freakshow he would have probably asked Lady Gaga or Nicki Minaj lookalikes out to dinner!
Your makeup should leave him asking, "OMG is she wearing any?" not "OMG she is wearing loads!" 
        Never Leave Your House like this!                                                 Go for this look!


Ladies! The clothing you wear to go on a first date will totally mean a lot in the long run! 
First of all, wear something that you are comfortable in, now don't go running to your closet and pulling off your best PJ's to wear! When I say comfortable I mean something that makes you look absolutely gorgeous and you have no problem wearing it!
Say you are a jeans kinda girl, don't ever think about wearing a very short dress knowing that you will be pulling it down every couple seconds and asking yourself if you look ok! That does not make you look confident just insecure and would probably make you more nervous!
Second! Figure out where the date is going to be and dress to fit! You don't want to be heading off to the movies wearing a semi-formal dress, you'll look overdressed and probably snobby! If you're going to an ice cream parlour, movies, mall, his house you'll want to wear something casual and if you're going to a dinner where you have to make reservation I think your little black dress will be perfect! 
On a side note, don't ever misrepresent yourself, be you! You should never try to become someone that you think he is attracted to, he should ask you out on another date because he likes you! Remember, life is not Hollywood, you can't adopt or drop an image of yourself like many celebrities do when acting in movies!

Backup Plans
You need to create back up plans in case something goes wrong on the date! It gives you time to evaluate the situation and lowers the chance of you doing something rash!
I always tells myself that I need to prepare myself because something will always go wrong! Here's a few of mine: 
-If I don't like him then I will either create some sort of emergency like my dog ran away (I don't have a dog) or my friend needs my help to do something that she can't do by herself! As a rule I don't lie on anyone's health!
-If I find the date is going to far too fast then I will use the popular excuse and say I have to go use the ladies room! Some guys are far too touchy for me!!
-If there is awkward silence, as a rule I start talking about the weather, childhood memories, favourite things to do, movies, celebrities etc... just don't let it have any silence (but don't come off like a chatterbox either). As my friend Christina told me, "No one wants to be on a date with awkward silence, no conversation, the date won't go smooth!"
NOTE: If you are depending on your date to take you to wherever the date is, always ensure that you have back up cash, after all you may need to take a cab home or you may need to pay for your own food!!

Dollar Store!
This is a bit unconventional but before going out I always head to a dollar store to grab some items that I may need in small quantities that I won't necessarily use again! All ladies need to carry a medium size purse on a date; small purses is for nightclubs, bars or parties, larger purses means that you intend to spend the night whereas medium purses just say none of your business, I'll do whatever I want!!
Okay so when I go to the dollar store I buy tissues (small packet ones), packet of gum (to get the food out of teeth), a cosmetic purse (to put my sanitary napkins just in case mother nature fucks me over) and hand sanitizer (they dry your hands out so it won't be sweaty and icky if your date tries to hold hands)!

Pep Talk!!
You need to talk to yourself! Don't ever say "Oh I'll just go with the flow!" because you might just end up in his bed followed by the hospital bed nine months later! You need to set your limits and tell yourself that you will stick to it! 
Also, Pep talks will erase any of your nervousness and leave you feeling enthusiastic, motivated and with the determination to make the date a success!

It is never silly to seek advice from people that you know will give you the real shit without being fake about it! Always tell someone the location that you are going and with who, regardless of how grown up you may think you are, there are some weird motherf**kers out there! Always ensure that you have a way of communicating with your parents and/or friends since when you take that bathroom break you may want advice on what to do next!